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Get Involved

Become a Member

     As a member of the Princess County/Virginia Beach Historical Society you will have free admission to the historic Upper Wolfsnare house, receive our quarterly newsletter, participate in our general meetings and be invited to members only activities.

Serve on a Committee


Finance - Work with the Treasurer to establish an annual budget for the Society; suggest and assist with raising money for      the purpose of carrying on the affairs of the Society.

Building and Grounds  - Supervise all construction, repair and improvements of all buildings,  grounds, and structures         owned or operated by the Society

Programs  - Work with the Historian to plan programs of historical interest for members and the public.

Membership - Responsible for maintaining a current list of members and recruiting new members for the Society.

Social Media - Responsible for writing and publishing the Society's newsletter - Maintaining and  updating the Society's         Website, Facebook and Instagram accounts - Creating educational audio and video  programs


   We're always need volunteers on call. We need docents, gardeners, laborers, helpers at meetings and/or special  events. If you have a certain talent or skill you are will to share, please let us know. If you want to work from home, we can provide any of a multitude of projects

   You may choose to support us by making a donation. You can donate to our general fund, which pays the costs of daily operations, utilities, etc. OR you can donate to the John Ballio Upper Wolfsnare Memorial Fund, which helps pay for the upkeep and repairs of the historic Upper Wolfsnare House. The Society is a 501 (c) 3, so your donations may be tax deductible.
   Help underwrite the costs of our newsletter or one of our educational programs or special events. Contact us for additional information.


Help us preserve this Historic House with a donation to our building repairs fund!


            John Baillio served as President of the Historical Society from 2006-2016. A major goal of his was the preservation of the house, built in 1759, and grounds at Upper Wolfsnare. The John Baillio Upper Wolfsnare Memorial Fund was established in 2018 as a way for members to honor John’s memory and is used solely for the restoration of the house and grounds. With advice from a historical preservationist and other experts a list of needed improvements has been made and prioritized.   

            The Upper Wolfsnare House is owned and maintained by the Society through donations from members. The Historical Society receives no money from the city.  Your contributions are crucial. Any amount helps!  See the membership form for instructions on how to contribute.

We'd Like to Hear From You
Calling All Upper Wolfsnare Owner Families
wordcloudUW families.jpg

Do you recognize any of the names in this image? Are you descended from any of these families? We are looking for you!

The Princess Anne County/Virginia Beach Historical Society wants to know more about each of the families who owned Upper Wolfsnare since it was built in 1759, starting with Thomas Walke, III.
We plan to research the families and share the information we find with others.

We’d love to be able to invite these families to come and reunite at Upper Wolfsnare and share any stories they might have from the days when their families resided in the house. If you would like to work on this project with us, even if you are not related to the families listed here, please send us your name, contact information, and best times for you to be able to attend an organization meeting at


As part of the Historical Society’s mission of keeping track of Virginia Beach History,

we are collecting information on the conditions we are all experiencing during COVID -19. 

To this end, we have put together some information on what we are looking to compile regarding these times and


Send Your Story to

Reflections on the COVID-19 Pandemic

      The COVID-19 Pandemic has had an enormous effect on all of our lives over the past several months. As the Historical Society for Princess Anne County/Virginia Beach, it is important for us to document not only the factual information about this disease, but the impact it has had on the lives of our local citizens. Fifty, one hundred, and even more years from now, people will be reading about this pandemic just as we have read about the Spanish Flu of 1918, but most of what we have available is data and information that had been shared through news channels. We would like to compile a collection of stories on how this experience has impacted the lives of our members.


        With your permission (and we will not list your name unless you want us to do so), please consider sharing your thoughts with us by sending a brief story, or several, identified within one or some of the categories below. This will allow us to organize the stories in a meaningful, cohesive way.

        Send your stories to our email account at Please title your email, “Covid Stories,” so that we may keep these email separate from others. We look forward to hearing from you.


Together we are writing history! Thank you so much!



  • Where were you when you first realized that we had a real pandemic and what were your reactions?

  • How did you prepare? What obstacles were there that immediately affected you?

  • What emotional reactions of those around you are you willing to share?



  • Where were you when you first realized that we had a real pandemic and what was your reaction?

  • How did you prepare? What obstacles were there that immediately affected you?

  • What emotional reactions of those around you are you willing to share?



  • Name a few things that you started to miss and then certainly missed.

  • What type of kindness came your way?

  • What did you, your family and friends do? Coworkers or total strangers?

  • Who reached out to give you hope and how?

  • What losses did you have?

  • What gains did you realize?

  • How was your work/leisure time/travel impacted?.

  • Did you experience “virtual learning” within your family first hand? Please share if you will.

  • In what ways did you celebrate family milestones such as birthdays, anniversaries, etc?

  • What plans did you change and what do you anticipate?



  • What changes will you or your family, friends, co-workers make?

  • What should local government do? Expand to state and national if you’d like.



  • What do you think is going to happen next?

  • What lessons have we as citizens learned?

  • Talk about something positive that you learned and how you will apply it to your life going forward.

  • How has our city changed for the better? Nation? World?

  • How have you changed in a positive way?

  • How will you prepare differently for future situations as this pandemic?

  • Give an example of hope for the future that you actually observed or heard.

  • Give an example of hope for the future that you hope will occur.

Background Image: A 1907 postcard showing summer guests on the beach with the Princess Ann Hotel in the background.

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